Ahmed Abd Alhaleem

Creative Designer
We all need a little help from our friends from time to time. Although we offer the one-stop convenience of an integrated range of legal, financial services under one roof, there are occasions when our clients need specialist advice beyond the scope of our own expertise. That’s why we’ve developed close working relationships with a number of strategic partners who can bring additional skills to the table to complement our own, carefully selected as leaders in their respective fields whose outlook and approach to client care mirror our own high standards.

Education :

That’s why we’ve developed close working relationships with a number of strategic partners who can bring additional skills to the table to complement our own.

  • MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
  • BS, engineering, Technical University of Denmark
  • MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Areas of Expertise :

That’s why we’ve developed close working relationships with a number of strategic partners who can bring additional skills to the table to complement our own.

  • Business transformation
  • Restructuring and turnaround
  • M&A transaction support

Members Skills :

That’s why we’ve developed close working relationships with a number of strategic partners who can bring additional skills to the table to complement our own.

Tax Help

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Need Help!

Find out about the ways to deal with debts if you are falling behind with day-to-day bills, loan and credit card repayments or other commitments.

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